Wednesday 13 March 2013


Most of my poetry is devotional, especially to Brighid as She inspires me.

I was sitting in Dad's back yard with the cats two days ago, when I decided to try writing some haiku. I still have things to learn about subject and form, but I think I at least got the 5-7-5 syllable form right. The first one was 3-5-3.

Clear blue sky
Not a cloud in sight
Sun shining bright

The sky is a sea
Clouds sail lazily like ships
Going to and fro

Under a clear sky
Gazing up from the lake bed
Sunlight filters down

Old iron fences
Showing signs of wear and tear
Monuments to time

Old tree standing high
Reaching up toward the sky
Watching the birds fly

Sleek cat crouching down
Eyes to sky where birds abound
All flitting around

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